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IFReC / IPR Joint Seminar
Multilevel Systems Biology: Genomes, Structures, and Networks


The joint workshop entitled "IFReC / IPR Joint Seminar Multilevel Systems Biology: Genomes, Structures, and Networks" was held on November 16-17 by IFReC & Institute for protein Research (IPR). Front-line systems biology researchers from around the world presented their recent research progress. Also, there were active question-and-answer sessions following the lectures.

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IFReC / IPR Joint Seminar Multilevel Systems Biology: Genomes, Structures, and Networks

Date / Time: Wednesday, November 16, 2011 9:50am - 7:00pm
Thursday, November 17, 2011 10:00am - 5:50pm

Venue: Taniguchi Memorial Hall, Integrated Life Science building, Suita Campus, Osaka Univ.
Pre-registration : NOT required
Fee: Free
Contact: WPI Immunology Frontier Research Center
Osaka University 
Laboratory of Systems Immunology / Daron M. Standley

3-1 Yamada-oka, Suita City, Osaka 565-0871, Japan

Tel: +81-6-6879-4264 (from overseas) 06-6879-4264 (in Japan)

Institute for Protein Research, Osaka University
Laboratory of Protein Informatics / Haruki Nakamura
3-2 Yamada-oka, Suita City, Osaka 565-0871, Japan
Tel: +81-6-6879-4311 (from overseas) 06-6879-4311 (in Japan)

| Wednesday, Nov. 16, 2011 | Thursday, Nov. 17, 2011
Wednesday, Nov. 16, 2011
Date Time Speakers Title
Nov. 16 9:50am-10:00am Shizuo Akira
Director / IFReC
Toshiharu Hase
Director / IPR
Opening Remarks
Systems biology IA
10:00am- 10:40am Andreas Raue
Univ. of Freiburg, Germany
Analyzing optimal treatment strategies for chemotherapy with the help of identifiable and predictive dynamical models
10:40am- 11:20am Jesse Cotari
Cornell Univ., USA
Dissecting cross-antagonism in cytokine sensitivity using single-cell phosphoprofiling and computational modeling
11:20am- 12:00pm Aarash Bordbar
Univ. Calf. San Diego, USA
Systems analysis elucidates role of metabolism in macrophage activation
12:20pm- 1:30pm Lunch
Systems Biology IB
1:30pm- 2:10pm Luca Mariani
IFOM-IEO Campus, Italy
A system biology approach to the regulation of IL-4 transcription during Th2-lymphocytes differentiation
2:10pm- 2:50pm Daniel Zak
Seattle Biomedical Research Institute, USA
Systems analysis of innate immunity and vaccination
2:50pm- 3:30pm Melissa Fullwood
A*STAR-Duke-NUS Partnership and the Genome Institute of Singapore, Singapore
3-dimensional insights into our genomes
3:30pm-3:50pm Coffee Break
Protein Informatics
3:50pm- 4:30pm Ken Nishikawa
Osaka Univ., Japan
Genome-wide computational analysis of intrinsically disordered proteins
4:30pm- 5:10pm Akira R. Kinjo
Osaka Univ., Japan
Composite structural motifs of interaction interfaces for delineating biological functions of proteins
5:10pm- 5:50pm Koichi Takahashi
RIKEN, Japan
Simulating biochemical reaction networks at the molecular resolution
6:00pm- Gathering

| Wednesday, Nov. 16, 2011 | Thursday, Nov. 17, 2011
Thursday, Nov. 17, 2011
Date Time Speakers Title
Nov. 17 Systems Biology IIA
10:00am- 10:40am Shinya Kuroda
Univ. of Tokyo, Japan
Information coding of ERK signalling networks
10:40am- 11:20am Chikara Furusawa
Osaka Univ., Japan
A Dynamic Model of cell differentiation: toward understanding of stem cellsystems
11:20am- 12:00pm Mariko Okada
RIKEN, Japan
Identifying logics of signal-transcription network for cellular differentiation
12:20pm- 1:30pm Lunch
1:30pm- 2:10pm Tim Hubbard
Wellcome Trust Sanger Inst., UK
From genome annotation to genomic medicine
2:10pm- 2:50pm Martin Frith
AIST, Japan
Reliable large-scale sequence comparison
2:50pm- 3:30pm Akio Kanai
Keio Univ., Japan
Systematic analysis of non-coding RNAs and their regulatory proteins
3:30pm- 3:50pm Coffee Break
3:50pm- 4:30pm Luca Giorgetti
Inst. Curie, CNRS, France
Non-cooperative interactions between NF-kB and clustered DNA binding sites promote graded responses to external stimuli
4:30pm- 5:10pm Yutaka Suzuki
Univ. of Tokyo, Japan
Transcriptome Analysis of Human Genes using Next Generation Sequence
5:10pm- 5:50pm Mark Maienschein-Cline
Univ. Chicago, USA
Discovering Transcription Factor Regulatory Targets Using Gene Expression and Binding Data