News & Topics


Orientation to conduct research at IFReC and RIMD (April 10th ~ 28th)


The lecture materials are available for the 2023 orientation to conduct research at IFReC and RIMD (e-learning). Please follow the instructions below.

 Scheduled period From April 10, 2023 to April 28, 2023.
 Eligible persons Described below the program.
 How to watch
  1. Go to the following website:
  2. Click "ログイン(大阪大学個人IDを持っている方)" with blue background to login with your Osaka University ID.
    (Scroll down the page and click "はじめましょう" button at the bottom of the page when you login for the first time.)
  3. Click the menu "Community" on the left.
  4. Click the "微研・免フロ(RIMD/IFReC)" panel at the lower part of the page.
  5. On the left pane, click "Content".
  6. Click "オリエンテーション Orientation 2023".
  7. Select the title of a lecture.
  8. For a lecture with several panels, you can display the panel in a larger size by clicking the icon with three square objects at the lower right corner and selecting the icon with two square objects.
 Reference materials For the lectures no. 4, no. 5, and no. 14, click the right panel on the video view page to access the material.
  • Your attendance will not be confirmed in the following cases: Using the ID of another person to login or incomplete viewing.
  • Disregard an invitation email from Echo360 for registration if you receive it.


① Safety instructions / 安全衛生について
② Core Instrumentation Facility / 中央実験室
③ Genome Information Research Center / ゲノム解析室
④ Network administration (reference material available) / ネットワーク管理室
⑤ Security export control (reference material available) / 安全保障輸出管理【参考資料あり】
⑥ Research misconduct and misuse of research funds / 不正防止について
⑦ Central Laboratory for Biological Hazardous Microbes / 感染症共同実験室【参考資料あり】
⑧ Experiments with living modified organisms / 遺伝子組換え実験
⑧-S 拡散防止措置について / same as ⑧
⑨ Ethical guidelines for medical and biological research involving human subjects
 / ⑨-A 人を対象とする生命科学・医学系研究(新人)
⑨-B 人を対象とする生命科学・医学系研究(継続)/ same as ⑨
⑩ Laboratory biosafety / ⑩-A 病原体等安全管理(新人)
⑩-B 病原体等安全管理(継続)/ same as ⑩
⑪ Animal experimentation / 動物実験
⑫ not available in English / 微研RI実験施設
⑬ Earthquakes (English lecture only)
⑭ Management of chemical substances (reference material available) / 薬品の管理【参考資料あり】

●Eligible persons

1. New users and those who have not participated in the previous lectures

 ① Mandatory.
 ② Mandatory.
[ ]
[ ]
 ③ Mandatory.
[ ]
 ④ Mandatory.
 ⑤,⑥ Mandatory for faculty and staff (optional for students).
 ⑦ Those who will take part in experiments with hazardous microbes (BSL3) and/or living modified organisms (P3).
[ ]
 ⑧ Those who will take part in experiments with living modified organisms (P1, P2, P3).
 ⑨-A Those who will conduct research involving human subjects.
 ⑩-A Those who will take part in experiments with pathogens and/or toxins
(BSL1, BSL2, BSL3).
 ⑪  Those who will take part in animal experiments.
[ ]
 ⑭  Mandatory.

2. Other members

 ⑥ Mandatory for faculty and staff (optional for students).
 ⑦ [every year] Those who take part in experiments with hazardous microbes (BSL3) and/or living modified organisms (P3).
 ⑧ [every year] Those who take part in experiments with living modified organisms.
 ⑨-B [every year] Those who conduct research involving human subjects.
 ⑩-B [every year] Those who take part in experiments with pathogens and/or toxins (BSL1, BSL2, BSL3).
 ⑪ [every 3 years] Those who take part in animal experiments.

Lectures not described above are optional.