Core-to-Core program

An international network for advanced research on human immunology



Led by the Immunology Frontier Research Center (IFReC) of Osaka University in Japan and through close collaboration with ImmunoSensation2 of University of Bonn in Germany, and University College London in the United Kingdom, “An international network for advanced research on human immunology” aims to elucidate the mechanisms of human immunity by employing state-of-the-art technologies such as single cell analysis and informatics. In this project, we will promote the complementary use of cutting-edge technologies and the sharing of research information through joint research among our institutions, and organize joint symposia and schools for fostering young researchers and strengthening our international network of researchers. Through these initiatives, we aim to strengthen our relationships with the leading overseas research institutions, thereby dramatically enhancing our research capabilities to elucidate the human immune system, which was not possible using conventional technologies. The promotion of human immunology is expected to contribute to society through the development of methods for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases such as cancer, infectious diseases such as COVID-19, and autoimmune diseases.
This project was selected for the Core-to-Core Program by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), and will be carried out from FY2021 to FY2025.


JAPAN  Kiyoshi Takeda IFReC, Osaka University
GERMANY  Gunther Hartmann ImmunoSensation, University of Bonn
UK  Claudia Mauri University College London

Research Exchange Activities

The 3rd International School on Advanced Immunoligy
DATE: October 28-31, 2024 / VENUE: Awaji Yumebutai Interanational Conference Center, Japan

The 3rd UCL-OU Joint Symposium
DATE: September 27, 2024 / Venue: Taniguchi Memorial Hall, Suita Campus, Osaka University

The 2nd International School on Advanced Immunology
DATE: September 17-22, 2023 / VENUE: Seehotel Maria Laach, Germany

ImmunoSensation2-IFReC Joint Wokshop
DATE: June 14-15, 2023 / VENUE: the University of Bonn, Germany

The 12th International Symposium on Microbiology and Immunology
DATE: February 3, 2023 / VENUE: Oaka International Convention Center (Grand Cube), Japan 

The 1st International School on Advanced Immunology
DATE: November 7-11, 2022 / Awaji Yumebutai Interanational Conference Center, Japan

UCL-OU Joint Symposium

DATE: May 13, 2022 / VENUE: University College London, UK

ImmunoSensation2-IFReC Joint Wokshop
DATE : December 16-17, 2021 / Zoom Meeting