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Shimon Sakaguchi was named a Person of Cultural Merit of Japan


On October 24, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) of Japan announced this year's recipients of the Order of Culture and Persons of Cultural Merit. Prof. Shimon Sakaguchi, Deputy Director of IFReC was named a Person of Cultural Merit.

MEXT commented Prof. Sakaguchi was awarded by his outstanding achievements in the studies of Regulatory T cell (Treg), discovering and clarifying the roles of Treg in autoimmune diseases and allergies.

This is the third time for the scientist of IFReC to be honored as a Person of Cultural Merit, since Shizuo Akira (Director of IFReC) got it in 2009 and Toshio Yanagida in 2013.

Shimon Sakaguchi
Prof. Shimon Sakaguchi