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Advanced-Postdoc Matías José Caldez interviewed by Argentine Media
At IFReC, many researchers from overseas are engaged in immunology research in an international environment. We initiated the advanced-postdoc system last year as part of our efforts to promotion international brain circulation. Matías José Caldez arrived from Singapore in June 2018 to work as an advanced-postdoc in Host Defense. He is originally from Argentina, and recently was contacted by a news agency and was interviewed by the Argentine media for a feature on Argentine scientists working in one of the world's top research institutes. Mr. Caldez is currently working on the development of immunotherapy to treat liver diseases and is expected to attract further international attention. Mr. Caldez is fluent in Spanish, English and Chinese. He is very popular among his colleagues due to his cheerfulness. He is also very interested in Japanese culture and has recently acquired Level 5 on the Japanese Language Proficiency Test.
URL for featured article.
1. La Arena (
Científico argentino recibió un importante reconocimiento
2. Misiones Online (
Reconocimiento de la Universidad de Osaka como investigador al científico argentino Matías José Caldez, egresado de la carrera de Genética de la UNaM - MisionesOnline
3. Diario Hoy (
Científico local fue reconocido por su investigación sobre daño hepático - Diario Hoy
4. Diario El Ciudadano y la Región (
Designan a científico argentino en universidad de Japón
5. Diario Chaco (
Científico argentino fue designado como investigador en Japón | Diario Chaco
6. infobae (/
El científico argentino destacado en Japón que trabaja para curar enfermedades hepáticas