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Science Cafe at KNOWLEDE CAPITAL vol.3 in 2019


Science Café: Knowledge Capital CHO-School 3rd Session of "Getting Acquainted with the World-Class Research at Osaka University"

The 3rd session of"Getting Acquainted with the World-Class Research at Osaka University"related to sports medicine research toward the upcoming Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games and was held on Wednesday, 19 June 2019, by the Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine, the Osaka University Immunology Frontier Research Center, and the Knowledge Capital. This session of the CHO-School series invited Professor Ken Tanaka of Sports Medicine at the Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine.

He gave a talk about the latest in sports medicine, such as research leading to practical meniscus treatments and research on next-generation performance measurement techniques. This science café even attracted guests from Tokyo and showed the high level of interest among our guests. Thank you to Prof. Tanaka and to our guests who attended.

The next session of the CHO-School series, having the theme "Parasite Toxoplasma and Immunity," will be held on the 17th of July and will invite Associate Professor Miwa Sasai of Immunoparasitology at Research Institute for Microbial Diseases(RIMD) / Immunology Frontier Research Center(IFReC).

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A next session is scheduled as follows.

The 4th session "Parasite Toxoplasma and Immunity"
17 July (Wed.) 19:00〜20:30

Dr. Miwa Sasai
Assosiate Professor, RIMD/IFReC, Osaka University