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Assistant Prof. Coban got the Bill & Melinda Gates grant.

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is a big foundation that is operated under the ideal of Mr. Bill Gates, the past CEO of Microsoft (R) group and his wife Ms. Melinda Gates. They claim “Every life has equal value”, and various grants for “Global Health Program” are prepared.

Dr. Coban has been awarded a “Grand Challenges Explorations” grant from “The Discovery Program of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation”.

The project theme is “Improving DNA vaccine immunogenicity by using TBK-pathway to combat malaria”.

For supporting this project, the amount of US$100,000 will be paid to Osaka University in one year. Further, if the project goes well and achieve promising results, Dr. Coban will get an eligibility to apply for bigger grants.

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Awarded Grants of “Grand Challenges Exploration” (Check No.94.)