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Associate Prof. Masaru Ishii's project was selected as one of the "Hirameki Tokimeki Science" programs by JSPS.

 Associate Professor Masaru Ishii's project was selected as one of the "Hirameki Tokimeki Science" programs by JSPS. A special lecture for high school students will be given by Associate Professor Masaru Ishii. Aplication deadline is July 26.

Lecture Title: The mystery o life visualized by advanced live imaging technique.











Associate Professor Masaru Ishii's Lab

 (Biological Imaging)



What's "Hirameki Tokimeki Science" ?

"Hirameki Tokimeki Science" is a program by JSPS which aims to give high school students an opportunity to experience the cutting edge research taking place at university and let them know how interesting science is.

 Hirameki Tokimeki Science (JSPS) 

(Japanese version only)