
Signal Transduction

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我々の研究室では、血管形成(脈管形成や血管新生)の細胞機序および分子機序を明らかにして、病態の制御を血管形成の観点で誘導する治療法の開発を行なっている。従来から取り組んでいるAngiopoietin/Tie2系、apelin/APJ系の血管成熟化における機能解析に加え、最近、脂質メディエーター受容体の一つであるLPA4に着目した腫瘍内での正常血管の形成促進による薬剤送達性改善原理を確立してきた(図1: Takara et al., Cell Reports 2017)。また、既存の血管の血管内皮細胞中には、血管の長期維持を可能にする血管内皮幹細胞が存在していることを明らかにし(図2: Cell Stem Cell 2018)、この細胞の制御による、血管再生、臓器再生および抗老化の方法の開発を行なっている。

図1:LPA4活性化による腫瘍内での正常血管の誘導は、薬剤送達の改善を誘導し、またがんの転移を抑制する(Takara et al. Cell Reports 2017)。
図2:血管内皮幹細胞による血管の再構築。肝臓では門脈の血管内皮幹細胞が類洞血管の再生に関与する(Wakabayashi et al. Cell Stem Cell 2018)。


高倉 伸幸 教授


腫瘍血管制御によるがん悪性化の抑制 / 幹細胞制御による組織の修復・再生


1988.3 三重大学医学部卒業
1997.3 京都大学大学院医学研究科博士課程修了


1988.4 三重大学医学部附属病院第2内科(血液・腫瘍内科)内科医医員(-1993.3)
1998.3 熊本大学医学部助手
1999.10 熊本大学医学部講師
2000.10 熊本大学発生医学研究センター助教授
2001.4 金沢大学がん研究所教授
2006.4-  大阪大学微生物病研究所教授
2018.8- 大阪大学免疫学フロンティア研究センター教授(兼務)


  • 高倉 伸幸 教授
  • Bal Zeynep 助教



  • Wakabayashi T, Naito H, Suehiro JI, Lin Y, Kawaji H, Iba T, Kouno T, Ishikawa-Kato S, Furuno M, Takara K, Muramatsu F, Weizhen J, Kidoya H, Ishihara K, Hayashizaki Y, Nishida K, Yoder MC, Takakura N. CD157 Marks Tissue-Resident Endothelial Stem Cells with Homeostatic and Regenerative Properties. Cell Stem Cell. 2018 Mar 1;22(3):384-397.e6.
  • Takara K, Eino D, Ando K, Yasuda D, Naito H, Tsukada Y, Iba T, Wakabayashi T, Muramatsu F, Kidoya H, Fukuhara S, Mochizuki N, Ishii S, Kishima H, Takakura N. Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 4 activation augments drug delivery in tumors by tightening endothelial cell-to-cell contact. Cell Rep. 2017 Aug 29;20(9):2072-2086.
  • Naito H, Wakabayashi T, Kidoya H, Muramatsu F, Takara K, Eino D, Yamane K, Iba T, Takakura N. Endothelial Side Population Cells Contribute to Tumor Angiogenesis and Antiangiogenic Drug Resistance. Cancer Res. 2016 Jun 1;76(11):3200-10.
  • Kidoya H, Naito H, Muramatasu F, Yamakawa D, Jia W, Ikawa M, Sonobe T, Tsuchimochi H, Shirai M, Adams RH, Fukamizu A, Takakura N. APJ Regulates Parallel Juxtapositional Alignment of Arteries and Veins in the skin. Dev Cell 33:247-259, 2015.
  • Sawane M, Kajiya K, Kidoya H, Takagi M, Muramatsu F, Takakura N. Apelin inhibits diet-induced obesity by enhancing lymphatic and blood vessel integrity. Diabetes. 62: 1970-1980. 2013
  • Muramatsu F, Kidoya H, Naito H, Sakimoto S, Takakura N. microRNA-125b inhibits tube formation of blood vessels through translational suppression of VE-cadherin. Oncogene 32: 414-421. 2013
  • Kidoya H, Kunii N, Naito H, Muramatsu F, Okamoto Y, Nakayama T, Takakura N. The apelin/APJ system induces maturation of the tumor vasculature and improves the efficiency of immune therapy. Oncogene 31: 3254-3264, 2012
  • Sakimoto S, Kidoya H, Naito H, Kamei M, Sakaguchi H, Goda N, Fukamizu A, Nishida K, Takakura N. A role for endothelial cells in promoting the maturation of astrocytes through the apelin/APJ system in mice. Development 139: 1327-1335, 2012
  • Naito H, Kidoya H, Sakimoto S, Wakabayashi T, Takakura N. Identification and characterization of a resident vascular stem/progenitor cell population in preexisting blood vessels. EMBO J 31, 842-855, 2012
    Kidoya H, Naito H, and Takakura N. Apelin induces enlarged and non-leaky blood vessels for functional recovery from ischemia. Blood 115, 3166-3174, 2010.
  • Nagahama Y, Ueno M, Miyamoto S, Morii E, Minami T, Mochizuki N, Saya H, Takakura N. PSF1, a DNA replication factor expressed widely in stem and progenitor cells, drives tumorigenic and metastatic properties. Cancer Res 70, 1215-1224, 2010.
  • Ueno M, Itoh M, Sugihara K, Asano M, and Takakura N. Both alleles of PSF1 are required for maintenance of pool size of immature hematopoietic cells and acute bone marrow regeneration. Blood 113: 555-562, 2009.
    Kidoya H, Ueno M, Yamada Y, Mochizuki N, Nakata M, Yano T, Fujii R, and Takakura N. Spatial and temporal role of the apelin/APJ system in the caliber size regulation of blood vessels during angiogenesis. EMBO J 27:522-534, 2008.
  • Huang X, Yamada Y, Kidoya H, Naitoh H, Nagahama Y, Kong L, Katoh S, Li W, Ueno M, and Takakura N. EphB4 overexpression on B16 melanoma cells affects arterial-venous patterning in tumor angiogenesis. Cancer Res 67:9800-9808, 2007.
  • Yamada Y, and Takakura N. Physiological pathway of differentiation of hematopoietic stem cell population into mural cells. J Exp Med 203: 1055-1065, 2006.
  • Okamoto R, Ueno M, Yamada Y, Takahashi N, Sano H, and and Takakura N. Hematopoietic cells regulate the angiogenic switch during tumorigenesis. Blood 105: 2757-2763, 2005.
  • Yamada Y, Oike Y, Ogawa H, Ito Y, Fujisawa H, Suda T, and Takakura N. Neuropilin-1 on hematopoietic cells as a source of vascular development. Blood 101:1801-1809, 2003.
  • Takakura N, Watanabe T, Suenobu S, Yamada Y, Noda T, Ito Y, Satake M, and Suda T. A role for hematopoietic stem cells in promoting angiogenesis. Cell 102, 2, 199-209, 2000.
  • Takakura N, Huang XL, Naruse T, Hamaguchi I, Dumont DJ, Yancopoulos GD, Suda T. Critical role of the TIE2 endothelial cell receptor in the development of definitive hematopoiesis. Immunity 9 : 677-86, 1998.
  • Takakura N, Kodama H, Nishikawa S, and Nishikawa S. Preferential proliferation of murine colony-forming units in culture in a chemically defined condition with a macrophage colony-stimulating factor-negative stromal cell clone. J Exp Med 184 : 2301-9, 1996.